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  • Catherine Hung

Bach Cello Suite in G Major, No. 1 Prelude - Catherine Hung

Call to Green Actions 綠色呼喚

May life on land at planet earth keep a clear mind in protecting our environment from contamination and keep extreme weather at avoidance.

期許地球能保持美麗樣貌, 減少各種汙染與極端氣候型態的發生.

Music Selection 曲目賞析/遴選靈感

Bach Cello Suite in G Major, No. 1 Prelude

巴哈無伴奏大提琴組曲, G大調第一組曲前奏曲

Symbolizing the beginning of the earth, the Bach Cello Suite is chosen to be heard as it being THE piece cellists around the world worship, as the importance of earth to human kind. With the prelude from 1st suite, I wish for tranquility and purism to be heard, and it being reminded how beautiful the beginning of earth is.

來自巴洛克時期的巴哈音樂, 堪稱古典音樂初始, 如同初始時期地球環境的美麗. 大提琴無伴奏組曲是學習大提琴者必收藏的聖經, 如同地球環境之於人類的重要性. 但願聽眾能透過樂曲的平靜祥和與純粹想起地球環境最初的美麗.


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