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The Backstory


Regardless of age, sex, race, and religion, music embraces all, enlightens all. As melodies begin, so does the magic penetrating into one's soul, reading one's mind, attaching to one's emotions.

音樂往往能跨越年齡、性別、種族、宗教信仰,擁抱和點亮你我生活中的人、事、物。 隨著旋律響起,音符有如魔法,彷彿能夠融入靈魂、體察心思、牽引情感與思緒。

Hearing Our Planet  delivers the beauty of music to worldwide audience, whom with us are though socially distanced, yet spiritually connected. We aim to hearten, motivate, and inspire individuals in our boundless community to listen to our Mother Earth and to take actions toward environment protection and sustainability through the beats and rhythms of music submitted by our volunteers.

人際間的交流或因疫情有了實體的藩籬,“Hearing Our Planet x 聽見地球” 線上音樂祭期望聚集熱愛音樂的你我,透過音樂與旋律,跨越距離,沒有邊界地傳遞,號召大家一起參與環境保育行動地球永續實踐

With sea levels rising, with glaciers melting, our environment is endangered. If we don't act now, situations will only aggravate. The future is shaped in the moment of every change, in the hands of you and me. Join us to protect our environment and make a difference!


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